Andrew Tarantola


Hitting the Books: In Russia, home is where the hearth is

Despite Russia being the world's third largest oil producer and exporter (at least until its invasion of Ukraine), ...

'Routine' is back from the dead to murder you with robots

Nearly full, honest decade after it was first shown off at Gamescom 2012, Lunar Software and Raw Fury made an appearance...

Polestar begins delivery on 65,000 rental vehicle order for Hertz

Hertz customers in select cities nationwide will soon have the opportunity to rent a Polestar 2. The EV automaker announ...

Polestar will debut its new electric SUV in October

We got our first, camouflaged glimpse of Polestar's next EV back in December. We'll have to wait until October...

Hitting the Books: Newton's alchemical dalliances make him no less of a scientist

The modern world as we know it simply would not exist if not for the mind of Sir Isaac Newton. His synthesis of differen...

Quentin Tarantino is getting his own film podcast on Stitcher

Four decades after famed film director Quentin Tarantino and his "Pulp Fiction" co-writer Roger Avary started ...

Oregon is shutting down its controversial child welfare AI in June

In 2018, Oregon's Department of Human Services implemented its Safety at Screening Tool, an algorithm that generate...

Playtime Engineering debuts two new music makers for kids

Ahead of the NAMM 2022 trade show being held in Anaheim next weekend, San Francisco's Playtime Engineering has unveiled ...

Hitting the Books: What the 'Work from Home' revolution means for those who can't

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we live, how we work, how we get from where we live to where we work or even if we hav...

Hitting the Books: How winning the lottery is a lot like being re-struck by lightning

A wise man once said, "never tell me the odds" but whether you're calculating the chances of successfully...

What to look for in an electric lawn mower

The days of the gas-powered lawn mower and leaf blower are numbered in California. Last October, Governor Gavin Newsom s...

Cadillac's Lyriq EV will start at $62,990

Cadillac has released more details about the vehicle and its features ahead of online orders reopening for its highly-an...

Hitting the Books: Why we need to treat the robots of tomorrow like tools

Do not be swayed by the dulcet dial-tones of tomorrow's AIs and their siren songs of the singularity. No matter how...

Google makes its AI assistant more accessible with 'Look and Talk'

Google Assistant is already pretty handy, filling in your payment info on take out orders, helping get the kids to schoo...

SLAC's newest laser works best when it's colder than outer space

After nearly a decade in development, the second iteration of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the DoE's S...

IBM wants its quantum supercomputers running at 4,000-plus qubits by 2025

Forty years after it first began to dabble in quantum computing, IBM is ready to expand the technology out of the lab an...

Clearview AI agrees to limit sales of facial recognition data in the US

Notorious facial recognition company Clearview AI has agreed to permanently halt sales of its massive biometric database...

Hitting the Books: US regulators are losing the fight against Big Tech

Today's technology landscape is dominated by a small cadre of massive corporations with the likes of Meta, Amazon a...

Polestar raises the price of its single-motor Polestar 2 by $2,500

In late March, Polestar announced that the single-motor Long Range variant of its Polestar 2 EV coupe would be arriving ...

Hitting the Books: Dodge, Detroit and the Revolutionary Union Movement of 1968

After decades on the decline intro, America's labor movement is undergoing a massive renaissance with Starbucks, Am...

Blizzard will reveal the first Warcraft mobile game on May 3rd

Nearly two decades after its launch and World of Warcraft is still going strong. The MMORPG saw its latest expansion dro...

Google takes first steps in rolling out Android’s Privacy Sandbox

At the start of the year, Google announced the Privacy Sandbox on Android project, a new system designed to eventually r...

「Polestar 2」のシングルモーター仕様が米国で販売開始、約560万円から

スウェーデンの高性能電気自動車ブランドであるPolestar(ポールスター)は、2021年発売されたデュアルモーター仕様のEV「Polestar 2」続き、一度の充電で270マイル(約435km)の距離を走行可能なシングルモーター仕様の同モ...




スウェーデンの高性能電動車ブランドであるPolestar(ポールスター)は、すでに生産が開始されている「Polestar 2」、発表を控えた「Polestar 3」と「Polestar 4」、そしてコンセプトカー「Precept(プリセプト...

2024年発売予定の新型電動4ドアGT「Polestar 5」は軽量で高剛性のアルミニウム接着構造プラットフォームを採用

2024年末に発売されるPolestar 5(ポールスター5)は、それ以前のモデルとはまったく異なる作りになるようだ。スウェーデンに本拠を置く電気自動車メーカーのPolestar(ポールスター)は現地時間2月15日、今後登場するこの電動パフ...


Google(グーグル)は米国時間9月23日「Android Auto(アンドロイト・オート)」に追加されるさまざまな新機能を発表した。また、2022年後半に北米で発売されるHonda(本田技研工業、ホンダ)の新型車より、ホンダとGoogl...


今度ミシガン州でクルマを止められたら、それはSUVスタイルのEVに乗った警官かもしれない。Ford(フォード)の思惑通りに事が運べば、の話だが。米国の自動車メーカーである同社は、既存のモデルを法執行機関向けに改造する「Police Inte...